

About Us

Who We Are

Welcome to Oojeema, your trusted partner in online accounting and ERP solutions. Developed by Cid Systems, Inc., Oojeema was created with a vision to empower small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the Philippines with accessible, intuitive, and cost-effective software solutions. Since our inception in 2003, we have evolved from a web hosting provider to a leading name in custom web software solutions.

Our Journey

2003: The Beginning

Cid Systems started its journey as Cid Web Hosting Solutions Services, catering to the web hosting needs of SMEs with a commitment to reliability and excellent customer service.

2011: Expanding Horizons

With a growing demand from our clients for more comprehensive solutions, we began conceptualizing business process automation tools. This initiative laid the foundation for what would later become Oojeema Prime, our ERP software designed to streamline complex business operations such as order management, inventory, and accounting.

2014: The Launch of Oojeema

Recognizing the need for a more affordable and practical business software solution for MSMEs, we developed and launched Oojeema, our flagship SaaS-based online accounting and bookkeeping software. Oojeema was designed to provide micro and small enterprises access to essential business management tools without the prohibitive costs of traditional software. Its user-friendly interface, affordability, and localized tax compliance features make it an ideal solution for managing finances and meeting regulatory requirements.

Our Solutions

At Oojeema, we offer a suite of products designed to simplify business processes:

  • Oojeema: Our flagship product, Oojeema, is an intuitive online accounting software specifically designed for SMEs. It streamlines financial management by offering features such as automated BIR form generation, real-time financial tracking, and comprehensive reporting. Oojeema’s user-friendly interface and localized tax compliance capabilities make it the ideal choice for small business owners, bookkeepers, and accountants. By providing an affordable and practical solution, Oojeema empowers MSMEs to manage their finances efficiently without the complexity and cost of traditional accounting software.

  • Oojeema Prime: Developed as an ERP for SMEs, Oojeema Prime includes features essential for trading and distribution companies. It covers the order-to-cash process, requisition-to-payment cycle, inventory management, and basic warehouse management. For SMEs involved in international trade, it supports multiple currencies, landed cost accounting, and inventory costing. Additionally, Oojeema Prime offers simplified manufacturing processes through product and service job order management, allowing small manufacturers to track raw materials conversion and costs. For service and engineering firms, it facilitates the tracking of materials usage and job order costing, providing a practical solution for managing service jobs and projects.

Our Commitment

At Cid Systems, Inc., we are committed to helping SMEs thrive by providing practical, reliable, and affordable software solutions. We value our clients’ feedback and strive to develop tools that meet their evolving needs. Our goal is to empower businesses with data-driven insights, enabling them to make informed decisions and achieve sustainable growth.